Template Thesis UdeA

LaTeX template for thesis manuscript development.

File name: TemplateThesisUdeA.tex

Last Modification: 08 - 03 - 2023 (MM - DD - YYYY)

This is a LaTeX template file (TemplateThesisUdeA.tex) for creating a thesis document. Below, you’ll find an overview of the contents and structure of this LaTeX document.

Table of Contents


This LaTeX document serves as a template for creating a thesis document. It includes various sections and formatting instructions to help you structure your thesis effectively.

Initial Pages of the Book

The initial pages of the book are formatted using the FirstPagesFormat style and include the front page. The code for these pages can be found in the Content/FrontPage file.

Table of Contents

The table of contents is generated using the \tableofcontents command and is placed on separate pages. To adjust the formatting, you can modify the LaTeX code accordingly.

Introduction, Acknowledgments, Abbreviations

These sections are included in the document and can be customized to suit your specific thesis requirements. They are included using the \include{} command and correspond to files in the Content/ directory.

Book Chapters

The main content of your thesis is organized into chapters. In this template, there are three example chapters (Content/Chapter1, Content/Chapter2, Content/Chapter3). You can add or remove chapters as needed.


This section contains any annexes or additional materials relevant to your thesis. The formatting for annexes is set using the AnexosFormat style. You can include annexes by using the \include{} command and specifying the appropriate file.


The references section is included in the document and can be customized to list your sources and citations appropriately. The formatting for references is typically handled by a bibliography style file.

Colophon of the Book

The colophon section is currently commented out (%\colophon) in the template. You can uncomment it and provide relevant information about the document, such as the software used or other details.

This Markdown README provides an overview of the LaTeX template file TemplateThesisUdeA.tex. You can use this template as a starting point for creating your own thesis document. Customize the content, structure, and formatting to meet your specific requirements.